Sites that I use to Work from home


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Discovering Greeting Card Universe

I always loved to write, and had often toyed with the idea of sending submissions to greeting card companies. After reading how difficult it was to break into the main companies, I decided it would be too time consuming and not worth the effort.

I found the Greeting Card Universe web site completely by accident and was instantly excited. I had already been selling some of my sister's photographs as hand-made cards at bazaars and craft booths, here was a way to sell them with no money invested whatsoever! The store was free and easy to open. Little did I know I was beginning an adventure into creativity that would truly change my life. My sister agreed to let me use her photographs for half the profits. Niether one of us expected the response we recieved.

One of her cards, a simple black and white photograph of formal dresses that we turned into a Bridesmaid card, started selling like hot cakes. I was surprised, since I initially didn't even want to use the picture. It goes to prove what I am learning more every day, don't always expect to sell what you like the best. You will often be surprised what is chosen.

I reccomend Greeting Card Universe to anyone who has drawings or photographs they want to sell. You can check out my site at We make at least 500.00 a quarter at this site, with absolutely no investment on our part but our time.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 My first Adventure

My mother-in-law was the first person to suggest to me, she had a friend made a pretty good living on the site and she thought since I loved books, it might be a good place for me to try. Somehow, I opened an account with my hand-me-down 256mb computer and dial-up internet. I started off by selling books I had laying around the house and quickly moved on to full-scale book scouting.

I will have many blog posts about Amazon, but this one will mainly focus on some tips for getting started.
1. Read the site rules and regulations. They are very helpful, and positive feedback is extremely important. Be sure that you will be able to drive to the post office several times a week.

2. Find a steady stream of inventory. You may be able to buy out a bookstore, or you might become a book scouter who attends every friend of library book sale and garage sale. Please understand, this is a time-consuming business. You will have to be out looking at least one day a week if not more. If your children are younger, you will have to take them with you, hire a baby-sitter, or have your spouse take care of them.

3. Choose a good packaging system. Most books are fine shipped in a padded mailing envelope, you can buy these in bulk online for way cheaper then office supply stores.

4. You must be self-motivated. For any home business, you will have to be your own boss, be motivated to get out of bed early on Saturday mornings for sales, to dig through bins of books at the Salvation Army.

5. Read the forums. has wonderful forums with many pros that are ready to help you. Learn from them.

Amazon can be a very nice supplimental income, but don't expect to make a million dollars your first year. With time and patience, you might find a niche that you love; treasure hunting.